FN_03 : Imagine Architecture

Image 01: The Concept of a New Architecture.
If we consider architectural ornamentation as a reflection of sociological and cultural influences within architectural developments, incorporating “Augmented Reality” technology into architecture may significantly impact and change how we perceive architecture. The integration of ‘Augmented Reality’ into architecture may lead to dynamic and responsive spaces that respond to human needs.
If augmented reality can adapt to human desires, including those in architecture, these technology developments have the potential to significantly impact and transform architectural development by bringing in a new movement of architecture.
This transition may result in more dynamic and interactive architecture and eventually create a new cityscape that seamlessly mixes virtual and physical aspects on the skin of architectural structures.

Image 02: The Concept of a New City in Hull. (Top View)
It was predicted that by 2055, in the following 30 years, the entire city of Hull would be submerged in seawater due to rising sea levels caused by global warming. If this occurs, people’s homes will be destroyed, causing them to seek alternate ways of living.
Various factors must be considered to build a city that floats on the water. When the city floods, there are likely to be two groups of people: one that chooses to stay on the land that has yet to be submerged and another who chooses to live in the newly emerging floating city.
To begin the development of this floating city, areas must be cleaned up, as flooding would ruin homelands and create undesirable wastelands. As a result, a cleanup centre [1] should be established first to purify the entire area.
After that, a control grid infrastructure [2] will be created to serve as a constructor for the floating city. Since this massive constructor is driven by virtual and augmented reality, a power station [3] will be required to provide energy for the construction operations.
Besides that, several dwelling apartments [4] will be built to accommodate people in the floating city, ensuring they have a place to stay during disasters. As residents move to the floating city, a convergence centre [5] will be constructed to smoothly transition between the two areas. This centre will monitor and secure the floating city, serving as a link between the land and water people.
Despite the extensive damage caused by the flood, food and resources will become valuable resources in the area. As a result, a sustainable food production line [6] will be built, followed by a food storage facility [7].
Finally, a new city is form.

Image 03: The Concept of a New City in Hull. (Front View)
The visual collage illustrates Hull’s evolution in response to the predicted rise in sea levels by 2055. The first frames show the present city, but the following frame portrays submergence and the cleanup hub’s efforts to restore flooded areas. The control grid infrastructure uses virtual and augmented reality and serves as the floating city’s architectural support. The living apartment units showcase their strong resistance to disaster.
The convergence point allows for fluid transitions between land and water, symbolising a harmonic blend of old and new. Virtual aspects floating about the sites represent the rising significance of internet relationships. Finally, the collage depicts a future city that seamlessly integrates past remains with contemporary inventions while being strong in the face of environmental challenges.